Roz is a Psychic Medium – She provides memorable 1 to 1 sittings/readings in person, group/party bookings and web-cam sittings for clients who live too far away, be it in the U.K or Worldwide. Roz also hosts her very popular Psychic Night events (demonstrations of mediumship) to the general public.
Established in 2010.
I’ve had my ability since childhood but kept to myself until I was in my early 20’s – Whilst I was going through Motherhood I started helping Family and Friends with my sittings. This went on through the late 1980’s, 90’s and the naughties. My accuracy became such that I broadened my outlook to help the general public and I have done successfully from 2010. I’ve also had the opportunity to host a number of my own psychic events as well as appearing at Spiritual and holistic fayres in around different towns and cities of the UK.
Meet the Business Owner
Business owner information
Medium Roz M.
Business Owner
I spent my early childhood living in London within a poor and dysfunctional Family – At that time I truly didn’t understand the things I was hearing and seeing and found it all quite frightening as there wasn’t anybody to turn to to share my experiences! However, growing up into my teenage years living in the calmness of the countryside I began to accept and became attune to the fact that I’d been given some sort of special ability…. By the time I reached adulthood my connections became so much stronger! Hearing voices clearer (clairaudience), seeing sharper images (clairvoyance), feeling… sensing spirit more (clairsentient) and having vivid psychic dreams that always came true!! It was only until my children became older I started helping Family and Friends with more detailed sittings. My accuracy became such that I broadened my outlook to help the general public. To book a sitting please call or text and I’ll be happy to call you back! 🙂 Tel: 07895 999095